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Saturday, February 17, 2018


Having a baby sometimes comes faster than what you thought, and before you know it it's to late to get all of the things you need so instead have everyone pitch in and help!!

Here are somethings that you can sum up into your list in case you are not sure what to get for your baby, especially if you are a first time parent, there are somethings that never may even crossed your mind to get. For parents that have more than one child some may go with the option of handing the oldest clothes down to the youngest, if there is another child born they may get the middle child clothes only if they are in great condition, "let's just say some parents call it being on a budget. But if you are having your first baby and don't know what to get I have pretty much summed it up for you here so you don't have to look all around pages, you can go directly to the source and price click whatever you like.

This is a convertible car seat see more below
Click here to see all car seats!!

As New parents you want to think long term and look for a crib that can grow with you, this bed breaks down from a crib to a toddler bed, to a day bed. Getting something that's long term with pay for itself, then you will feel like you have gotten your monies worth. For more cribs & Beds Click here Cribs & Beds

Baby is upset and won't stop crying! Maybe they are teething!

There are times when babies start crying out of  nowhere, one minute they are fine then the next they are screaming their head off, this happens some times when babies start to teeth, their teeth are cutting through their guns sometimes their gums itch really bad, or its a shooting pain. If you want something to sooth their pain you can get a teething ring, some parents such s myself put the teething ring in the freezer and once it got cold I  would take it out and give it to my babies, and it worked sometimes you can take the medicine and put the measured amount on the tip of the teething ring and believe it or not the babies will put it in the exact location that it hurts, and they will sooth the pain themselves. Take a look at this teething ring if you like this one then click on it if not visit the link below that will take you to more options, More Teething Rings!

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